Playing Defense: The Reactive Cloud Native Security Battle - Ayse Kaya, Slim.AI

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Recent joint research from ESG and Slim.AI, polled from SREs, DevOps & Platform Engineers explores the state of cloud native security, shedding light on an increasingly worrying attack surface that is only growing. Analyzing the data we learn that a mere 12% are managing to achieve security SLOs. This is compounded by regulatory pressures, the complexity of the supply chain with its own set of exploits & challenges, all this with a fragmented tooling ecosystem that is making it difficult to understand how to prioritize & remediate rapidly in a single consolidated place. This session will dive into these new findings, on how container & OSS security continues to add difficulty with triaging security––as well as the cascading impact of the continuous rise in cloud native sec, vulns, and the supply chain as a whole. Join this session to learn how to take cloud native security from reactive to proactive along with real practical tips for minimizing the noise & achieving security SLOs.

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