Protecting the Data Lake - Ash Narkar, Styra, Inc

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In today’s world, data is at the core of every business decision made. As data grows, companies have started implementing their own Data Lakes to store and run analytics on the data. Ceph is widely used to implement a Data Lake. Securing the data is a priority for every organization and is influenced by the technologies they use, legal regulations, internal conventions, and so on. Enforcing policies to protect the data is difficult because it often affects the entire stack, requires state from multiple locations, and must evolve over time as business needs change. In this talk, we will see how the Open Policy Agent (OPA) can be integrated with Ceph to guard access to sensitive data while satisfying strict latency and availability requirements. In our demo we will deploy Ceph in Kubernetes using Rook and show how to enforce custom policies over the Ceph Storage Cluster.

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