TUF Maintainer Panel Discussion - Moderated by Andrew Krug, Datadog; Asra Ali, Google; Marina Moore, NYU; Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy, Datadog; & Jussi Kukkonen, VMware
Join us for a panel discussion with maintainers from across The Update Framework’s projects to learn about new and upcoming TUF integrations and enhancements. The TUF specification provides compromise resilient security for software update and distribution. It has implementations in python, go, and rust that have been used in production by organizations like Datadog, AWS BottleRocket, Google Fuchsia, and Sigstore. Panelists will provide insight into the state of the project, how TUF can be used to improve supply chain security, and behind the scenes perspectives on integrations with Sigstore and PyPI. The panelists will also speak on unique challenges around maintenance, vulnerability disclosure and consumption of an open source project with multiple implementations.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!