代理开放政策深潜 Open Policy Agent Deep Dive - Anders Eknert, Styra

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组织依靠 Wiki 和部落知识来记录和执行管理其系统行为的重要规则,但今天,许多组织追求“策略即代码”,以更好地控制和可视化其系统。与在文档中编写策略或依靠手动检查不同,组织利用策略引擎在其所有系统中编写和实施规则。开放策略代理 (OPA) 是一个由云原生计算基金会托管的开源通用策略引擎。开放策略代理的核心是一种领域无关的声明性语言,它将策略作为代码来体现。开放策略代理帮助您以代码的形式实现策略,以便您可以将最佳实践(如单元测试、试运行和代码审阅)应用到策略中。加入 Anders,了解如何将策略作为代码应用于微服务和 Kubernetes,包括核心语言特性,如搜索、组合和复杂的面向文档的数据查询。Organizations have relied on wikis and tribal knowledge to document and enforce important rules that govern how their systems behave, but today, many organizations pursue “policy as code” for greater control and visibility over their systems. Instead of writing policies in documents or relying on manual checks, organizations leverage policy engines to codify and enforce rules across all of their systems. The Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open source general-purpose policy engine hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. At OPA’s core is a domain-agnostic declarative language that embodies policy as code. OPA helps you implement policy as code so that you can apply best practices like unit testing, dry runs, and code review to your policies. Join Anders for a deep dive session that shows how to apply policy as code across microservices and Kubernetes, covering core language features like search, composition, and querying of complex document-oriented data.

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